If you haven’t already heard, Good Works will deliver the second edition of its direct mail benchmarks report in 2020 – with data from even more Canadian charities.

It’s a big endeavor. And we’re casting our net far and wide across the Great White North to gather as many Canuck participants as we can. We’re looking for data – specifically, direct mail donor data and performance totals.

As a thank you, you’ll get a (free!) customized, 1-page summary of your organization’s performance against the benchmarks.

If you’re interested in being a part of it, please fill out our super-easy form no later than February 14.

If you have more questions, please continue reading!

Q. What is the benchmarks report all about?

In 2019, Good Works released the brand-new direct mail benchmarks for Canadian charities. It compared data from some of our rock star charity clients, producing metrics like retention, average gift, file composition, and revenue. Now, we’re looking to grow this report – and that means getting as many participants as we can, from every sector in Canada. That’s why we hope you’ll decide to participate before the February 14 deadline.

Q. What do you need from me to participate?

We’ll be looking for donor and revenue data from your 2018 and 2019 direct mail programs – things like the total number of direct mail donors, direct mail gifts, new donors and renewed donors. We will not be asking for donor names, emails or address information.

Q. Does size matter?

We are looking for charities of all shapes and sizes! If you have a direct mail program, no matter how big or small, we hope you’ll choose to participate.

Q. When do you need me to submit this data to you?

The data is due on March 2, 2020. We’ll send you detailed instructions when you sign up here.

Q. How long will this take me?

We say about an hour, but this really depends on the efficiency of your database. You’ll likely be able to pull these numbers with a few simple queries – and many of you likely already have these numbers at hand. As a thank you for your time and effort, you’ll receive a complimentary custom report of your organization’s benchmarks, as compared the sector’s benchmarks.

Q. How will my data be protected?

The data we’re looking for will not include your donors’ personal information, and will only be viewed by three Good Workers. The final report will have absolutely no identifiable information that could be traced back to any of the participating organizations.

Q. When will the final report be ready?

If all goes smoothly, we’re aiming to have this report ready for you early in June, with your custom report following a week or two thereafter.

Q. Who do I talk to if I still have questions?

I’m happy to answer any and all questions you have – now or throughout the entire process! This is a purely Canadian report, after all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at melanie@goodworksco.ca or by telephone at 613-909-4174.