The Research Lab

Imagine planning your next fundraising campaign actually KNOWING what your donors want.

What’s going to inspire them? What’s going to trigger them to give? If you knew all that before you started, don’t you think you’d raise more money?

Good Works research can pull back the curtain on what makes your donors tick – and it’s all here to download, free of charge, whenever you need it.

Like what you see?

Our Research

We’d love to talk to you!

Work With Us

Whether you’re ready to take your direct mail program to the next level, dive into the world of digital direct response, or launch the legacy giving program of your dreams, Good Works is here to help you.

Why Do We Do Research?

Good Works has been a leader in Canadian direct response and legacy market research for decades. We’ve used donor polls and focus groups to reveal the donor expectations and preferences that help you do great fundraising.

The research results you get from Good Works may be on all sorts of subjects, from direct mail giving to stewardship to gifts in wills. But there’s one thing you can always expect from us: our research results are always something you can actually use to improve your program.

At the end of the day, your relationship with your donors is much like your relationship with your spouse, your kids or your friends. If you really want to connect, you’ve got to be willing to listen. Seen through our eyes, best practice market research is simply that: attentive listening to the people who matter most to you – your donors.

Listen well. Connect more meaningfully. Raise more money.

That’s how it works.